ho ho ho #3

I don't know how long the 'ho ho ho' trend will last, it kind of snuck up on me as it was. But now I'm having fun with it.

Today's holiday cheer:

*Tomorrow we'll see both sets of Bear's parents AND his delicious sis and bro-in-law AND their fabulous twins. I can hardly wait to squeeze babies! So, I gave Bear his present so he can photograph tomorrow's festivities. He loves it. I love him.

*I sent our governor a note telling him I think he's doing a good job.

*I have a few more things to wrap but I'm pretty much done. I played with Rio in the snow this morning, I gave her a haircut tonight, I've laid out her fun outfit for tomorrow, and I'm pretty relaxed. Who saw this coming?

If you feel like punching me, I hardly blame you.


Menchuvian Candidate said...

No punches here, but I'm happy for you:)

Enjoy your day-today, and tomorrow, and the day after....

JUST ME said...

No way, I love the "ho, ho, ho" time of year.

...too bad there isn't more of it in my sex life.

Alice said...

oooh i just bought the d40 for myself a few months ago! i love it too. awesome present :-)