could i love this house any more?!

While Rio and I were making tuna with olives, red pepper and hard boiled eggs, a medium sized army of adolescent termites set up camp in our playroom.

Luckily, the bug spray guy was just at the house spraying for the other bugs we suffer here, at the edge of the swamp. I asked about termites. 'Oh yah, you have them alright!'. So fucking cheery. 'How much to treat for those?' I asked and didn't even choke when he told me $1800.

$1800. And evidently we really really need it. At this rate we should be totally out of money sometime next year. We can tell Rio she can't go to private school because we spent all of her school money TO KEEP GIANT BUGS FROM CARRYING HER OFF TO A SWAMPY LAIR!

Frankly, I think we need more paving and less nature around here. What, exactly, is so wrong with a 'tree museum'?!


Sort of.

Now I have to go buy temporary toxics while we wait for an appointment with the bug millionaire...