C'mon, let me kick a little game with you...

She's gone. She kind of tried to be on good behaviour but that is so open to interpretation...

There are a few rules that are carved in stone.

*Don't ridicule my husband.
She's one of those people who shows affection by making you feel like a failure who might smell badly, too.

*I'm not interested in input regarding how I raise my dogs.
Yeah, so, she had the nerve to say Jack is fat and Hobbes seems gay. Her dog vibrated like an overdue crack head and jumped and your face to bite your nose AND tried to attack my gentle and mild mannered pitbull....

*No racial slurs of any sort.
And here's where things fell apart. A friend stayed over on his way to appear for 30 seconds on Good Morning America. We were having a nice dinner and my mother started to tell a story about when he most recent ex-husband was sailing in the Clipper Cup International. She used the word, "boat-n*gger" and I quickly and loudly said, "NO!" and she just kept going. I got up, went in the kitchen where I thought my head would explode. Bear helped our guest downstairs and I said to her....

me: You need to apologize without any qualifiers.

mother: You don't understand that....

me: No qualifiers. You know I forbid that word in my home. These 4 walls are MINE and you will apologize.

mother: If you knew the root of the word...

me: Wealthy white yacht owners have adopted the most universally understood defamation of a human to amuse themselves on their boats, torturing their staff. Lovely. Apologize.

mother: Fine, I apologize but you just don't understand...

me: You suck. I'm going to bed.

And I left the kitchen. And took a klonopin. And cried.

I live my life railing against racism and sexism and discrimination and this is my mother. *sigh*

Bear was a rockstar this whole week which does not mean he got wasted and forgot to come home, although I would have completely understood. He was supportive of me at every turn and I am so glad he's my husband and I'm his wife. Who knew marriage could be so damned lovely?