I got to therapy today but it was the wrong day so now I don't know what day I'm supposed to go and I feel like a lunatic today. I wish I had a better tolerance for alcohol cuz I'd start drinking right now. But I have school tonight so that's out of the question.

My husband is coming home from work early to get ready for a trip tomorrow. Boy am I going to miss him. The middle of the week is so busy with school and all that jazz but it is nice to be next to him. He's warm:)

I started shopping for the family that we adopted for Christmas. We do it every year through an agency in town and it is my favorite part of the consumer frenzy that is Christmas. I put the 'Christ back in Christmas' all the time with "Jesus CHRIST look at that line!" and "For CHRIST'S sake could you move your cart out of the middle of the most narrow aisle in here?" and "If I don't know where tissue paper is, isn't it a fair assumption I DON'T KNOW WHERE THE CHRIST THE PAPER IS THAT IT IS RIGHT NEXT TO??" I know, but all the interesting people I know don't stand a shot at Heaven, either....

I told my husband if we have a child I want to raise the child Jewish. Being that he is the uber-wasp and I'm a non-practicing Episcopalian, I'd better get cracking. This should be great! I read a story recently (For the Relief of Unbearable Urges--a collection of brilliant short stories) about a man who has an epiphany in a cab that he has a Jewish soul. That explains how I feel, and have felt for some time. More on that later.

So, being that I got up at the crack of dawn, all the comforters are at the wash/dry&fold joint so a comfy nap is out of the question-I guess I'll do some laundry. Maybe clean my desk. I usually find money when I do that.....