no news is no news

I called Yale to see if the results of the amnio are back yet. The genetic counselor said to start calling after one week. More precisely, she said I could start calling after a week. The test, according to her, takes 7-10 days. So I called. Pins and needles. Actually, more like hanging from giant fish hooks above a tank of snapping alligators....
Turns out it will be at least 2 weeks so I have another week of waiting. In the meanwhile...

Yesterday I broke down and called the ER. I had woken up Saturday and Sunday with the worst stomach aches imaginable. Under my ribs, across the top of my abdomen and the left side of my uterus all felt hard. Scary. So I called. One of the OB docs who covers for my practice was on duty. She said to meet her at her office at 7am if I felt I could wait. I woke Bear up at 6am (I'd been up since 3) crying and doubled over in pain. He was a bit freaked but got right out of bed to help me get dressed. A true rock star.

Turns out-I have gastro-intestinal distress from prenatal vitamins coupled with hating the taste of water and not pooping so often. Basically, I'm full of shit. Nice, huh? So I got a bunch of different pills and my stomach feels better today. Good thing because I have class tonight! *wowza am I ever stupid busy*

Bear continues to be a rockstar. I love him more all the time. Today is our anniversary. If I can muster the strength, I may venture out for a card. I suck. Well, if I was up to it, that would make a nice little present......

I keep having these crazy bad dreams. I'll look forward to *that* phase passing. Enough said.

So, have a great day. Thanks for stopping by. I'm going to read for a while......