where have you been?
I've been busy! I got the job. Twenty hours a week from home doing research. It's fun, interesting, and it actually pays. So, get ready playgroup - it's only a matter of time before I find Manolos that can hang with toddlers ....Anyway, today I received an email proudly sponsored by Scholastic. The inbox title:
Your Soooo Missing Out
Is it just me or does stuff like that make you crazy? Sponsored by Scholastic, no less. They must be so proud ...
Speaking of crazy, if you know the woman who drives the giant SUV with the Mass plate 'TANKA', bitch-slap her for me, wouldya? I was at BJs and it was freezing rain. Their cart system isn't the best - you really have to grab one in the myriad of covered shelters in the parking lot. So, she unloads her groceries and pushes the cart so it's evenly encroaching in the crux of four parking spots. I catch her eye and point to the cart shed that is literally 10 feet from her battleship. She ignores me, gets in her car, puts on lipgloss, backs out and then gives me the finger. So, yeah, bitch-slap her and pull her hair, okay? It's a good thing I don't have access to motor vehicle info or I'd totally abuse it to write people letters explaining why everyone loathes them.
What else? Not much really. We've been painting and doing some projects. We still have that dumpster. Bear still hasn't cleared the garage or basement. What's a woman to do?
Rio spent 4 days/3 nights with my inlaws. No one cried. Everyone was exhausted and lots of fun was had by all. She's really in such an amazing place. She now has the verbal skills to make me insane and she presents new and interesting challenges every day, and I can't imagine loving her more. This rocks.
We're sending her to a Montessori program T-Th starting in March. She's ready for more than play. She's writing her name and she's always asking how to spell things. You know, like everyone says, 'She's very advanced for her age.' But we think it will be a good atmosphere for her and it's super close to the house so I could get right back into bed. Ha.
I got a CD from another blogger and haven't had a minute to listen to it. I did move it to the car so that's hopeful. I'm also making jewelry which is fun. I'm sending him something and I'll post a picture when it's done. I swear. OH! And then I'll do a contest. Yay! Right now I have to participate in The Great Interview Experiment because I signed up for it before I suddenly got stupid busy. And I hate to break commitments. I'm like Britney that way ...
So, in the very near future: picture of the necklace I send to him, my interview with her, and whatever else I've been promising. Oh! And one more fun thing. I've signed up for a trainer at the gym. I share him with a friend who used to be competitive skater. Luckily, she's in such great shape that when I ducked into the bathroom to lay down on the floor and pray about not puking, he didn't notice. I am stupid.
ooooh i love montessori schools! i went for preschool and kindergarden. i could read, do times tables up to 7, and write in lovely cursive when i left for 1st grade... and my new school told me i was too young to do times tables and cursive, so i had to do easier math and print. and then relearn it all again later. stupid catholic school.
Congratulations on the job! Sounds perfect to me - I wish I could do it.
congrats on the job. can i borrow fifty bucks? lol...
and if i ever see that chick i'll surround her whole truck with shopping carts. and then sit in my car and watch her while i put on lip gloss. c
i hate puking from working out.
worst. feeling. ever.
I mean, exercise is bad enough.
can you believe i havent been? I've lived here for YEARS and have. not. gone. So sad, really. When do you plan on going? e-mail me!
*alice: she really is so smart it's a little unnerving. sometimes i call her 'rainbaby' ... it makes me laugh and laugh! it's good to be able to laugh while your 3 year old corrects you on driving directions...
*nancy: look at momcorps.com. that's where i found it.
*di: i'll let you know when i'm going. wanna meet there?!
*kid: you should only puke from exercise cuz you're stupid drunk. still. xx
Trevor and Devin love their Montessori school that's 2 minutes from (except for the days they hate it or after two days off for snow.)
I love it, too.
I'm sure she'll dig it.
stop with all the fun stuff already. you laying on a public bathroom floor? how un-aquarian of you, what with the germs and all.
i'm going to begin praying everyday to see the woman with the mass plate of "TANKA" solely so i can attack her for you.
So help me if this comment posts twice.
I want to get paid handsomely to do proofread, televison quality control, or movie critiquing. Except my taste in movies is questionable.
It's not just you on the spelling faux pas. If someone chooses to spam me regarding my penis, they should note I prefer it be ENlarged, not INlarged. That and a little precision please - what with me being female NOT HAVING A PENIS OF MY OWN.
Also, as you know: I'm totally with you on the vehicular exasperation. But people *need* to know when they are in the wrong. So keep up the good fight! If you get access, please share.
Hey, if i'm not at work i'll gladly meet you there. just let me know! it'll be a new experience for me AND the rugrats!
~Diana (at work, can't sign in!!!)
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